Who Runs This Club?

While the FAQ page briefly mentions that there are five elected positions and numerous appointed chair positions, some more information about who is doing what might be helpful to know! Please note that the below is an overview and not all-encompassing. If you are interested in serving as leadership in Space Coast Mothers of Multiples, please reach out to any of the current board members!

The five elected positions on the Executive Board are:
President (oversees everything and is a ex-officio member of all committees)
1st Vice President (handles membership requests and renewals)
2nd Vice President (conducts surveys, orders t-shirts and badges, maintains membership packet)
Secretary (manages minutes, bylaws, and attendance)
Treasurer (receives and disburses funds as needed)

There are also appointed chairs in a variety of areas:
Education & Programs (coordinates guest speakers and informative topic meetings)
Playdates (plans meet-ups, varying location, time of day, day of week, cost)
Library (manages our physical library and shares electronic resources)
Social Media (promotes club events online, encourages weekly engagement)
Website & Archives (maintain this website, member Drive, public Facebook page)
Sunshine (coordinate food & drinks, writes thank-you notes and holiday cards, manages meal trains)
Ways & Means (coordinates fundraising)
Publicity (delivers materials around town, writes press releases)
Party Planning (oversees details for major family activities and holiday party – usually co-chaired)
Stork (matches mentors and mentees)
MOA Rep (liaison with national organization)
FOMOTC Rep (liaison with state organization)

The Advisor is the most recent past president and also serves on the Executive Committee.

Each Spring, a Nominating Committee is formed. This group gauges interest in the various positions and talks to members about taking on leadership roles. At the May General Meeting, the slate of officers is presented, and is voted on at the June General Meeting. There is an Installation Ceremony, and new officers typically begin the first week of July. The President appoints the chairs, usually based on the recommendations of the Nominating Committee and the new board, with the new membership year beginning August 1st.